Episode 5: Rise of the DROSS

This week brings the FrompTech Dross Update, introducing the Dross' standard unit variation! These units, dubbed 'fodder' due to their remarkably low life-expectancy and faulty-to-nonexistent self-preservation protocols, are armed with wrenches, and are unique in that rather than the mass produced designs of other factions, each Dross bot has a body cobbled together with scrap and spare parts, selected at random upon spawning. Their weapons are randomized as well, starting with either a shotgun, bolt action rifle, or an SMG!

The Dross are a semi-organized group of run down bots, no longer wanted by their original faction, that have banded together to form their own. Almost all of them have had their old programming scrambled, causing them to react extremely unpredictably, utilize very unconventional means of warfare, and giving them a reputation for insanity and wanton destruction. They have no singular goal; Many fight seeking revenge on their former comrades, others wealth, power, respect, and some just for the hell of it. Only one thing is certain: Sooner or later, all will join the horde...

-Added Dross' replacement for the standard unit, 'Fodder'
-Added 3 new weapons for Dross: Shotgun, Bolt Rifle, SMG
-Added Barks for Dross

-Removed Sniper bullet drop
-Optimized game performance
-Increased hammer damage to buildings

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